The Charm Of Rib City And Other Holes In The Wall

The Charm Of Rib City And Other Holes In The Wall

FujiPro 400h | TheFINDLab

One of my favorite things to do these days is to grab Petunia the Pentax and find little treasures to capture on film. Usually this means that I’ve got some frames left on a roll from a session or wedding and need to get through them so I can send out the rolls. On this particular fun trip, I knew I wanted to take some shots of Rib City, which is an old train station turned BBQ joint in Grant, FL. Folks around here still call it the Old Grant Station. When you drive past, you can’t help but notice the old European style building with its textured walls and stone foundation.  

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More on Kodak Portra 400

More on Kodak Portra 400

In my last entry, I wrote about my journey with two distinct film stocks, Kodak Portra 400 and Fujifilm Pro 400h. I have such mixed feelings about which film I love using. They are both great films but very different. One is very warm and slightly punchy, while one is cool toned and muted. In the right setting, Fujifilm, the cool toned film just shines. It soaks up light which I love. On the other hand, Portra is warm, contrasty and filled with color! I find that my style is often a combo of both. Warm, medium to low contrast, with pops of color. In the past, I’ve shot on Fuji and warmed it up to look like Portra. So, naturally, I’m thinking Why not just shoot Portra?

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Divided: A Song of Portra and Fuji

Divided: A Song of Portra and Fuji

I wasn’t sure what to call this post, but I finally settled on divided because that’s the place from which this post is being written. As I fast from social media, one of the most unexpected challenges I’ve felt is being prompted to reevaluate my film work….namely, film stocks. Film is such a huge part of my workflow now, it’s almost like questioning my work entirely! (yikes!) Don’t worry, it’s not as bad as all that. LOL! It’s more exciting than anything!

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Early Spring

Early Spring

Here in FL, “winter” isn’t so much a winter as it is a break from the sun’s broil setting. We’ve had maybe two or three weeks of low temperatures in the 50’s and maybe even the 40’s on occasion, but for the most part, things have been pretty mild. With the impending bloom of spring, comes my yearly infatuation with plants and greenery, and I start stocking up on so much green!

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How To Use Film And Digital Images As A Photographer

How To Use Film And Digital Images As A Photographer

Hey, friends! Happy Monday! Today I’m coming at you with some video content I am so excited about! At this point, I’m planning and producing content that I wish I had when I started my photography journey, and even little chapters of my journey along the way. In this handy video, I’m taking you along to see how I process film and digital images to retain the qualities of each medium, resulting in a cohesive, yet inherent story.

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Introducing: The Kinfolk Preset Suite!! {+VIDEO}

Introducing: The Kinfolk Preset Suite!! {+VIDEO}

These presets were made for you to have a solid jumping off place while editing your images! I describe my presets as filmic, light-filled with a PUNCH! But to be honest, they are SO flexible and you don’t have to be looking to get filmy images, bright tones, creamy skin and poppy contrast. Everything stands at a healthy medium setting, which is perfect for achieving the look you desire because you can make your image go whichever way you want! Or, you can just leave the presets as is and have beautiful one-click edits if that’s your kinda cornbread.

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Giving Thanks

Giving Thanks

Today I just want to lift up a praise of gratitude. I woke up this morning with such a spirit of thankfulness. There have been so many wonderful things in my life and business that are a result of grace. You know, things you can’t or didn’t orchestrate yourself. Opportunities you prayed for and then happened even though you have no control over the situation. Grace upon grace. So know today that as a child of God, your prayers do not fall on deaf ears. They do not go unheard. What are you thankful for today?

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KTP Kindreds Rewards and Loyalty FAQ

KTP Kindreds Rewards and Loyalty FAQ

Hi, my friends! I am so glad to be here today sharing some fun news with you. As you know from a previous post, this year I am pouring much of myself into my little community of friends and family who support and champion me. I have created a special rewards and loyalty program to clients, so they can take advantage of promos and deals, as well as save some cash! Mostly, it shouts my heart to people who trust me with their moments, that I want to give you more than just pretty photos or a great experience.

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Stock Shoppe + 5 FREE STOCK IMAGES

Stock Shoppe + 5 FREE STOCK IMAGES

Happy Monday, friends!! I am so excited to be launching the KTP Print Shoppe! If you click the button in the footer, you can visit the Shoppe where there are already some lovely landscape images you can purchase! Very soon, more components of the Shoppe will be added on, such as the Signature Artisan Series, and the STOCK SHOPPE! EEEP! All of these offerings are just the beginning of my journey in artistry, as I pull from my artistic arsenal and offer more opportunities to attain art that is gorgeous and authentic, yet time efficient for me to produce. Here are the three main components so far!

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