Adventures In Film: Chapter 3

Adventures In Film: Chapter 3

Hello! Happy Fri-yay! Today's installment of my film adventures! This post isn't about another type of camera, but a comparison between film and digital. When in the mountains, I decided to take the same frames with two different cameras. I started with film, then followed up with digital. In the first shot of every set below, you'll see a film photo and then the second photo will be digital. How fun!

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Inspiration: What I Read

Inspiration: What I Read

Happy Wednesday, friends! I hope you are having a great, productive, or relaxing week thus far! A while back, I wrote a short post on what I listen to when I am wanting to be inspired or feeling inspired.  Sometimes your brain just needs a boost! I want to continue this series today and share a list of some of my favorite material/books to read. These items are more responsible for grounding me and reminding me of who I am.

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An Open Letter To Photogs About "Brain Picking"

An Open Letter To Photogs About "Brain Picking"

I’ve recently encountered a few blog posts on the critical topic of “brain picking”. “Brain picking” can occur when an aspiring photographer seeks out and finds a more experienced one, and asks for a short allotment of their time in order to also share knowledge, tips, experiences, ect.

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But while I was there, I did a lot of praying. Much of my prayers involved running a business God's way. In a world of self-promotion, how do I glorify the Lord? It always feels so strange to me to post things online or share them on Facebook because as with every business type out there, there is a subtle undertone of sales or marketing. We are told that every post should be a subconscious hire me! 

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Adventures In Film: Chapter 2

Adventures In Film: Chapter 2

Hi, friends! The adventures into the good old days have continued! On my trip to the Great Smoky Mountains, I carried around a broken old Canon EOS Rebel G with drugstore 35mm and selectively chose my shots. It was so much fun!! I had it developed through Walgreens (which I don't recommend because it looks like the prints are digitally processed/printed instead of organically processed like real film).

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