I Hope I Am Who You Are Searching For. 

I Hope I Am Who You Are Searching For. 

I must have been 15. My mom bought me an outfit that, while I was grateful, I felt like a complete SQUARE in it. The outfit was cute, y'all! But to an impressionable 15 year old who wanted so badly to fit in, square wasn't something I could take a chance on being. But between dressing up in outrageous theatre costumes at every chance and head banging in the school parking lot with my friend Jamie, there wasn't much hope for redemption.

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But while I was there, I did a lot of praying. Much of my prayers involved running a business God's way. In a world of self-promotion, how do I glorify the Lord? It always feels so strange to me to post things online or share them on Facebook because as with every business type out there, there is a subtle undertone of sales or marketing. We are told that every post should be a subconscious hire me! 

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