The Codd+Harwood Family | Treasure Coast Photographer

The Codd+Harwood Family | Treasure Coast Photographer

It was such a joy to photograph something so special. I talk all the time about how I want to be the capturer of special, unforgettable things. To some, while this event may not have been a big deal (compared to say, a wedding or birth) to them, it was the world. This family had not seen their elders in 8 years. To their daughter, it was 8 years without her parents. To their granddaughter, it was also 8 years. To the three babes that played on the playground near where we were photographing, it was the first time they met their great-grandparents. Four generations! That's pretty special. I don't care who ya are.....that's special. I knew it from the moment I got that email in my inbox from their granddaughter who arranged it as a surprise. EEEEEE!!! <3 My heart melted!

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2018 Senior Breakout Sessions Are Here!

2018 Senior Breakout Sessions Are Here!

It's that time, my friends! Senior year is here! And if anything, it means having so much fun making memories that it flies by in the blink of an eye. I want to be a part of your highlight year in high school by creating the senior portrait experience you dream about. You know, the hair, the makeup, locations nobody else has been to, and the chance to work what your mama gave ya!

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