April PowerSheets Goals + Spring Goal Refresh
/Hi, everybody! This post is a little late but It’s okay because we’ve successfully moved! Yay! This whole quarantine thing has changed things a lot but we’re excited to see our family and friends when all the mandates have been lifted. I’m grateful for my Powersheets at this time because they help me stay focused and grounded in what really matters, even when everything else seems like it’s falling apart.
This month was the first month in a new quarter and I get to share a little about the Spring Refresh with you! When you set goals at the beginning of the year with Powersheets, you are aware that you don’t have to stick to those specific goals all year long. SAY WHAT? Yeah! You are free to adjust or change your goals completely every three months! With Q2, there is a fun Spring Refresh checklist that helps you get ready for Spring, and also prompts you to reassess your goals. You can decide if you want to keep trucking away at the same goals or if you want to change them. Here’s a little look at mine.
Some major points of the Spring Refresh is to provide checklists so you can clean out, minimize and focus. There’s spaces for Internet Clutter, Physical Clutter and more! I can’t tell you how instrumental this has been in motivating me to get fired up for Spring and Summer!
This quarter, I grouped my goals into two major goals: 1. Live Fully Awake, and 2. Chase The Father
Big Goal #1: Live Fully Awake
Goal 1: Strengthen Healthy Habits
Plant A Garden
Jump In!
Build KTP Around Legacy And Service.
Big Goal #2: Chase The Father
Memorize Scripture
Weekly Challenges
Read The Gospels
Strengthen My Musical Gifts
And here are my April Goals to help work toward those big goals!
Monthly Action Items
Plant Tomatoes and Peppers
KJ Course
Weekly Action Items
Tend Garden
Daily Action Items
Read Matthew
Walk w/ Bella