Best of 2017 | Highlights
/Hi, my friends! We are only a few days away from bidding 2017 goodbye. Whether or not you loved the year, it's time to move on. Things are changing and it is time for something new.
2017 has been a monumental year for me. It was the year I launched my own business, photographed some INCREDIBLE weddings, took a step toward the unknown, and traveled more than I think I have in the past five years of my life combined. What a year. Joshua and I added two sets of little paws to our homestead, Genevieve and Gwendolyn, two cute Abyssinian kitties. Bella girl is still and forevermore not happy about the decision. ;D
To honor the year and lovingly welcome all 2018 has to offer, I have compiled a post dedicated to all my favorites. There is always a pattern in my shoots. I find that consistently, I have one or maybe two images from each session that I feel portrays a part of myself. Those are the images I want to share again and again. They are the ones I am thankful and proud of. They are ones I prayed for. So hats off to 2017! It's been nice, but I I know 2018 is going to be better!
From Prom 2017....
to inspiration from the Psalms...
All the way to Gainesville for a love shoot...
and then a piece of my heart when my niece turned ten...
I remember my jaw dropping when I photographed a church staff and they looked like TOTAL BOSSES. They get it from their Dad. ;P
And then a warm beachside couples session that warmed my heart.....
and then that one time I geeked out pretty hard and did a Game of Thrones themed photoshoot....
While I was still recovering from Anistyn turning ten, we found out we were getting a nephew! Yay, Nolan Bear!
My photographer's heart got it's fill of architecture, history, and romance when I shot a bridal session in the oldest college in Florida.
Summer was filled with romantic dreams of the future...
While the fall held this bomb senior who was in the middle of her future....graduation!
This sweet romantic wedding had me swooning, tearing up, and reminiscing on my own new marriage...
and there's my nephew!! Nolan Bear!!! <3
Then, I took a huge leap of faith and began shooting film. When I got the scans back from my first roll of Portra 400, I cried.
My cousin and his family were shining bright as the holidays drew near...
And so were these newlyweds....<3
Then I cried again when this senior showed up looking too grown up for her senior sessions. (and then I cried again while editing them because she should still be a freshmen in high school..)
Then I cried again when I got these film scans back of my forever friend and her first little miracle baby....way to go #portra400!!!!
More tears with that sunlight.....
And even more tears as I shot my sister and her husband's 10th anniversary portraits....
Shouts of joy from this INCREDIBLE, romantic, warm fall wedding...
And smiles just like this at the fact that I own my own business, am blessed by God, and that I get to do this every day. #wonthedoit