Sunrise Session On The Farm | The Raulerson Family
/Sunrise and sunset sessions are my absolute favorite these days. But the sunrise holds a special place in my heart. There is something about the look of light filling up a darkened space. Can anyone see a correlation in the spirit?!?!
"I have come in the world as a light, so that everyone who believes in me will not remain in darkness..." John 12:46
We got up early while it was still twilight and prepared for the sun to rise. I love it when headlights shine across the field early in the morning because it usually denotes an exciting event or day ahead. The steam of my coffee filled my nose as I started to see small bits of blue light creep into the streams of clouds in the eastern sky. To me, if there is any natural vision in this world that so concisely tells the story of God and His people, it would be a sunrise.
We had so much fun prancing around the farm with everyone in tow and surprisingly, we breezed through the shoot with zero bumps in the road! With two little ones, that's a VICTORY! :D
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5dmkiv | t5i | 50mm