My Top Tips For Traveling To A Photoshoot
/So you've booked your destination photoshoot, they've paid their travel fee and you've got your car all gassed up to leave. How exciting! Here's a few tips for for your trip so everything goes smoothly and you can focus on what you are traveling to do.....have a great photoshoot! I hope this list poses more as a great place to be reminded of practical, well-known items rather than "I've never thought of that before!" items. ;) So perhaps this prompts you to get something done on your list of pre-travel to-do's.
Try to get your lodging arrangements set as early as possible. Most of my locations these days have friends or family that graciously open up their home to me, but if you're traveling someplace new, be sure to secure your reservation because you never know what places are available or booked out. Based on where you're going, there may be plenty or sparse lodging.
Make a list of all your items before you actually need to pack. In short, if you wait to pack, the higher your chances are you could forget something. It doesn't even have to be last minute, but rather at a time when you don't really have a chance to slow down and think carefully. Like the night before you leave vs. a few days ahead. Would it benefit you to have a free printable list of photography gear?![googleapps domain="docs" dir="forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSddqY6K7BQzSYYMeC5B1iwFLzdJ3R5NqU4kGP67NHU4ia73eQ/viewform" query="embedded=true" width="400" height="600" /]
Make a flexible Master Plan. If your schedule is relatively flexible, then perhaps plan a general agenda so you always know what is next. You will be prepared and purposeful the whole time if you have work and play factored in!
Bon Voyage and Happy Shooting!