Mentoring Bundle: 3 1:1 Mentoring Sessions


Mentoring Bundle: 3 1:1 Mentoring Sessions


Empower hours are 1 hour long mentoring sessions designed to dive deep into 1-2 topics you're DYING to know about in your business! It's an open Q&A session where we can cover anything and everything from marketing, business, ideal clients, booking couples, client experience, editing, posing, artistry, skills mastery and more!

This bundle of three included is to be used once per month for three months in a row. It gives you the opportunity to get feedback on 1-2 topics of your business as you implement them and have more questions along the way!

Available Topics via Video Call: (included but not limited to..) Marketing, business, ideal clients, booking, client experience, starting your business.

Available Topics via In Person: skills mastery, posing, artistry, flat lays, editing, workflows, Marketing, business, ideal clients, booking, client experience, tips and tricks, starting your business.

The quantity remaining reflects the amount of mentoring sessions currently left available for the rest of 2019. 

LOCATION: Power hours currently take place via an online video call (Google Hangouts/Apple FaceTime meeting) or at my home office in Sebastian, FL. 

HOW TO BOOK: Purchase the power hour through my website. I will contact you via email within 48 hours after purchase to arrange a date for our session(s)!

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