Well, hey everybody! It’s been a month or two or three since I’ve posted here and I’m back to share some updates! I think best in lists, (teacher habit) so here’s everything I want to tell you in a handy dandy numbered format!
Joshua and I got full-time jobs as teachers! We were feeling a shift in our lives after our move and during COVID, and this is where that shift has led us. I’m teaching a loose definition of performing arts, and Joshua is in PE. (perf, right?) I still hope to continue KTP, so things will still be active around here! My scheduling and timing will be a bit different, though, naturally.
It’s time for another website refresh! This time, it may end up being a HUGE overhaul and if I committed to it, I could do it in a day….or three. Not sure how long this will take, but as I write this at 7:45AM on a Saturday, it seems pretty doable to me. :D
I have sessions stacked to the ceiling that I haven’t published yet. Argg. For a few months there, work stopped happening because of COVID, naturally, but then they picked up again…with a vigorous pace. So fresh work is coming. I promise.
I made Swedish Cardamom Buns recently and they are my new favorite. SOOOOO GOOOD.
As time moves forward, I’m revisiting KTP and our services. COVID has changed things in giving everyone time to reevaluate and refocus. I know that I love creating beautiful stories, but am not a huge fan of a schedule packed with giant weddings. I love weddings. I still have some on the books. Those couples are my dream couples! But I feel like my creative side hasn’t been tapped into as fully as I hoped, and I want to really dive in to that.
So for now, I’m leaning in and listening. I don’t have a full picture of what this new path looks like but I want to see. I want to know. And I’m excited to see where it leads.