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November 2019 Powersheets goals

HI, Kindreds! This year I purchased my very first set of PowerSheets from the Cultivate What Matters Shop! If you’ve never heard of Cultivate What Matters, it is a NC team of women who care about equipping other women to cultivate what matters in their lives. They often ask “Where do you want to be when you’re 80?” and inspire you to pursue things today that will push you toward your goals of tomorrow. Their flagship product is a tool called “PowerSheets”. This goals setting planner helps you find your goals, break them down into realistic chunks, and then pursue them! I want to share my November goals with you today!

So, I’m TEAM TEAL!!!! Teal and all its shade/tone variants has been one of my colors for the past 5 years, no lie. I think it’s so refreshing and bright without being a warm toned color like yellow or orange. I sat down in the last days of December last year and dove into the prep work that was included with the powersheets. This process is an uncovering process; a dig deep process that helps you uncover good goals. Not small goals like “fold the laundry, meal prep, pay bill..”. Not that those aren’t good goals, but we work to find deep, fulfilling, life shifting goals. Then, we make a plan for the following 90 days, and write down each month how we will work towards those goals. The founder, Lara Casey Issacson is so very encouraging during her goal coaching, and tells us that done is better than perfect! And progress over perfection is the way to go! I love this. Sometimes I don’t do something because I know my personal expectation of perfection isn’t realistic and I ditch the idea before it even takes off. She also guides you to connect your goals with WHY you set them, which makes the whole process so much more impactful and sensible. You can learn more about PowerSheets at culitvatewhatmatters.com !

On to my goals! So, one of the best parts about PowerSheets is that it is divided into 90 day sections. The creators fully understand both the power of splitting the year into four 90 day sections AND the fact that your goals change (or get completed!) throughout the year. One of my goals at the beginning of the year was to complete my inservice points and renew my 5 year teaching certificate which I DID! WHOOO!! So let’s hop in!

So, for my quarterly goal refresh, I rewrote some of my goals but I’m not quite to a place where I can share them. When 2020 comes around, I’m looking forward to sharing a new set of goals with you! It’s important to know that there are big goals in this PowerSheets process and then each month you write down what action steps you will take during the month, the weeks, and each day to work toward completing your goal. For example, you’ll see that on one of my daily action items, I have “train/wk out” which is my slang for a workout plan in which I get my body ready to bike around Central Park in a few weeks! It’s a total of 6 miles, which is doable for me, but I still need to get my body warmed up for the day of! I’ll bike 3 days a week and hit the gym 2 times a week. If all goes well, I’ll have biked the six miles around 10 times before thanksgiving. This little action item is part of a bigger goal in which I take control of my health and become more mindful about fitness in my lifestyle. It is a struggle for me so writing it down and connecting it to why I want to do it helps so much. Here’s a breakdown of my goals this month!


  1. KJ Course: I have invested in a business course with another photographer, and it requires me to devote some time every day to learning and implementing what I’ve learned to take my business to the next level.

  2. Joshua’s Birthday: Well, his birthday is on the 3rd, so once that passes, I won’t need to devote any more time to it, but once it passes, I can decorate it with a fun sticker that is included in the book! Yippee!

  3. Prepare For NY: Joshua and I are spending Thanksgiving in NYC! It’s always been on my bucket list to go see the Macy’s parade! His dad is marching in it this year, isn’t that exciting?!?! But about the goal, I can’t successfully pack a day or two before leaving for a trip like this, I have to start thinking about it weeks in advance. I’m sure many of you are the same way. :)


  1. 2nd RWC Study: It’s a passion and heartstring of mine to serve and equip women to be deeply rooted in God’s word. I love to encourage and inspire women so over at Rooted Women Co, I’ve already created, led women, and completed one study (Proverbs 31 Church Study), and have one more to go for the year! I prayerfully pursue the material at different points in the week to prepare it for you ladies! <3

  2. Cleaning Schedule: This one is just an encouragement to try out a rotating cleaning schedule. I’ve never done it before but thought it would be fun to try something different.

  3. Plan + Automate Blog/ Insta: I hope to complete this tomorrow and Friday, but I need to get all my content planned and automated for November and December. It always makes me feel so good to have things in the queue and ready to go! :)


  1. Gratitude: I have a little teal gratitude journal I write in every day. I follow Ann Voskamp’s 1000 Gifts prompts and love that they are so easy but so impactful!

  2. John Reading Plan: A friend of mine and I are reading John together! I’m following a chapter a day plan provided in my She Reads Truth bible. It’s so enriching to get into the word with another friend for accountability!

  3. Train/Wk out: I described this one in a section above! In short, I hope to alternate biking and gym days to work up to 6 miles with ease.

And that’s it, friends! November is the pentultimate month of the year and I’m so excited to look back and see how much I’ve grown! Tune in next month and see what the last month of the DECADE (and 2019) holds! <3

