Kailee Trippett Photography | Jacksonville FL Film Photography

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*FREEBIE* Want to discover what makes you stand out from the crowd?

Hey, friends! 

So, this entry is very special to me. No more special than posting a beloved client's session, but seriously, I think I've started something that I'm not going to regret. 

Without a doubt, I think that the hardest part of starting a business is learning how to build a brand that showcases your authenticity and amazing uniqueness. But what we thought would suffice through an "about me" page or "true-to-you" instagram feed, still leaves us lacking. We spend all this precious time pouring over the keyboard trying to write a unique description of ourselves (same with instagram posts and captions) but only end up with a fluffed up version of our lives that doesn't really exist. I mean, come on, sometimes all someone wants is to see that someone else spills food on their shirt more often than what's normal! *le sigh* All we want is to create beautiful work and make our clients feel something....feel.....happy. Special. Loved. Pretty. ....at least I know I want that for my clients. But we have to book them first in order to do those things. 

So, I've made it pretty clear that we all need to develop a strong brand behind our business so that people feel connected to something. Well, while thinking on the topic, I sort of had a revelation. With all the educational resources dedicated to the technical side of photography, the business side of photography, or even the editing side, there was something missing in the photography education realm......brand building through personal discovery. 

Guys. there is only one you! And while we hear that exact phrase so often, we don't really know how to act upon it. We're told motivationally that there are clients out there who will be your clients because you are unique and there is a need for what you have to offer! Am I the only one that thinks this is more of a band-aid than actionable? *PREACH* But this is the key, friends! It's not out there because no-one can tell you about yourself. You can copy others all you want, but if you're not determined to grow your business upon your own authenticity, someone will eventually call your bluff. 

To remedy this, I've created a short freebie that can guide you on some self-reflection to discover unique things about yourself, that you can in turn inject into your brand to elevate your ability to connect with like-minded clients and artists. As a bonus, I've included some more information about developing your artistic voice as well. The freebie comes in the form of a PDF checklist that consists of actionable items that you can start today to help elevate your brand. 

You can get the freebie HERE

If you loved the content you received, shoot me an email detailing the before's and after's of your brand development! I'll also be glad to help any way I can! Have a GREAT FRI-YAY tomorrow!!